
The main objective of the Employment and Career Structure is the development of a strategy which: (a) connects the university with the labor market and the business community using the information & communication technologies and (b) promotes the entrepreneurial climate. The Employment and Career Structure has assumed the coordination of the Career Office and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit in order to achieve effective cooperation that will increase overall performance.

The Employment and Career Structure meets the basic conditions for an integrated approach by implementing a series of interlocking actions of an innovative nature. In particular, the implementation of innovative actions primarily aims to upgrade the operation of the structures, mechanisms and methodological tools in order to facilitate vocational integration and business perspective of students, as well as to create and promote the entrepreneurship culture. Also, the Employment and Career Structure is responsible for creating mechanisms to inform students and alumni of the new opportunities and employment trends by the using advanced technology tools. Finally, supporting actions are planned for the diagnosis of the individual components of the labor market and the new enterprise with the aim of integrating the results with the tools and policies which will be implemented by the ECS.


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